Live Lessons

Live lessons enable users to create online lectures, homework review sessions, internal meetings, and online events of any scale.

Guiding Video

Choose a course where you will have your live lessons

If you haven’t known how to create a course, please visit:

Otherwise, please choose a course that you have created from Manage Content > Courses.

Set up Live Lessons

Click a chapter if that course has already had one, else click Add Chapter and give the chapter a name.

Please fill in the form as the instruction below:

  • Duration (in minutes)

  • Type of Live:

    • Meeting (less than 50 people) - focus on multilateral interaction

    • Webinar (more than 50 people) - focus on the speaker

    • Courseminar: suitable for a traditional classroom

  • Starting time/Ending time: to notify enrolling students.

  • Live Lesson Operators: Operators are those who can control the live lessons and have the right to start or end the live lessons

Note: Only after the Live Lesson Operators decide to start the live will the students be able to enter the live lessons. Starting time and Ending time are only used as a notification for students.

Complete other sections of the course

Please visit this guide to understand how to complete other sections of the course:

Display Live Lessons on your website

Students need to click Buy Course or Receive Course of the course that contains live lessons.

Students then will receive a notification like this.

Here is what students will see after the Live Lesson Operators start the live lesson.

And this is what Live Lesson Operators see.

Last updated