Activation Codes

A popular method to distribute courses to your students. After students receive Activation Codes, they can access that course by using these codes.

Guiding Video

Generate Activation Codes

  • Select course: Select a course that you want to generate Activation Codes for

  • Type of Codes:

    • One-time: After a student uses this code, the code will be disabled. Then input the Number of Codes you want to generate, or use Upload File to create codes from a premade list of codes.

    • Multiple-time: The code will only be disabled after a certain number of usages. Fill in the Number of Usages to your preferences.

  • Set the number of days students can access the course: After this duration, students need to buy a new course or extend the current course to continue their studies. If you don’t turn the option on, the code will be used as permanent access to that course.

  • Set the effective time for the codes: Includes the starting date and ending date that students can use the codes.

After filling in the form, click Create Activation Codes, and the window will pop up a notification like below.

Access Activation Codes

The administrators can access the created Activation Codes via the List of Codes column.

This list will show detailed information on each Activation Code. You can click More Details to be able to see the full information of the Activation Code.

Click Disable Activation Code if you want to disable it.

The administrator can send codes from the Activation Code column to the students.

Activate Courses using Activation Codes

Students who have already had an Activation Code need to click the Activate button.

Copy the Activation Code into the form and click Activate. Students can now enroll in the course.

If the student hasn’t registered an account, our system will ask them to register or login. After successfully signing in, students need to follow the steps again to activate the course.

Last updated